姓名:张培磊 职称:教授,研究生导师
2003-2006 江苏科技大学 材料加工与工程 硕士
2006-2010 上海交通大学 材料加工与工程 博士/博士后
2010-至今 太阳集团tcy8722网站 教师
2014-2015 中南大学 访问学者
2019-2020 德国弗朗霍夫ILT激光技术研究所 高级访问学者
2020-2024 上海交通大学/江苏新扬子江造船有限公司 博士后
[1] 新材料焊接及其物理冶金
[2] 非晶合金的激光增材制备
[3] 机器人智能化激光焊接装备及制造技术
[4] 超快激光微/纳米尺度精密加工及应用
一直致力于激光与材料相互作用、激光智能制造系统、非晶合金凝固及断裂过程、微观组织演变与数值模拟的研究。目前已在激光智能制造、材料结构表征与性能评价等领域的国际知名期刊发表 SCI、EI 收录论文180余篇,申请国家各类专利50余项,获得国家发明专利授权20余项、实用新型专利授权5项。指导完成国家级、上海市等大学生创新训练计划项目12项,指导学生获国家奖学金6人次、上海市大学生新材料创新创意大赛一等奖。担任SVOA Materials Science & Technology期刊编委、Coatings期刊特刊编辑、Frontiers in Metals and Alloys期刊评论编辑、焊接杂志社青年编委、《金属加工(热加工)》编委,荣格工业传媒“激光加工行业—荣格技术创新奖”评审专家组成员,“大东时代•卡恩奖新能源领域系列奖项”评委,受邀为Materials Today、ACS Applied Nano Materials、Materials Science and Engineering A, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 等多家国际著名期刊审稿人。目前为中国机械工程学会焊接分会委员、中国机械工业教育协会焊接技术与工程专业教学委员会委员、上海市焊接学会理事、中国光学学会激光加工专业委员会委员,担任上海市激光先进制造技术协同创新中心首席研究员。作为项目负责人已完成国家自然科学基金、中央军委总装备部预研项目、上海市自然科学基金、上海市科委重点研发项目、上海市高新技术领域重点项目、新疆自治区科技援疆专项、克拉玛依市重大专项等多项国家、省市级课题的研究。还承担了上海电气电站设备有限公司、上海电气核电设备有限公司、上海振华重工有限公司、上海外高桥造船有限公司、中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院、中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司、通快(中国)有限公司等企业委托技术开发课题的研究,获全国博士后创新创业总决赛铜奖(全国优秀博士后)、上海科技进步一等奖、新疆机械电子工业科学技术进步奖一等奖、国际焊接学会会刊《Welding in The World》年度最佳论文奖,入选美国斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔(Elsevier)发布的《2022年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单》,入选江苏省“双创人才”。
[1] 上海市焊接学会理事(第十届、第十一届)
[2] 《SVOA Materials Science & Technology》杂志编委
[3] 焊接杂志社青年编委会委员
[4] 《金属加工(热加工)》编辑委员会委员
[5] 《Coatings》期刊特刊编辑(2次)
[6] 《Frontiers in Metals and Alloys》期刊评论编辑
[7] 中国机械工业教育协会焊接技术与工程专业教学委员会委员(第四届)
[8] 中国机械工程学会焊接分会委员(第十一届)
[9] 中国机械工程学会高级会员
[10] 中国光学学会激光加工专业委员会委员
[11] 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家(面、地、青)
[12] 教育部学位论文通讯评议专家
[3]上海市大学生新材料创新创意大赛 “优秀指导教师”称号(2022)
[5]国际焊接学会会刊《Welding in The World》年度最佳论文奖(2022)
[8]美国斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔(Elsevier)发布的《2022年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单》(World’s Top 2% Scientists)(2023)
[6]上海市教委创新项目(14YZ139) ,2014.1~2016.12;
[11]上海市2019年度“科技创新行动计划”高新技术领域项目(19511106402), 2019.9-2022.8;
[1] B. Liu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, Q. Lu, H. Shi, Z. Liu, D. Wu, T. Sun, R. Li, Q. Wang, A Review on Manufacturing Pure Refractory Metals by Selective Laser Melting, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. (2024).
[2] K. Jiang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), S. Song, T. Sun, Y. Chen, H. Shi, H. Yan, Q. Lu, G. Chen, A review of ultra-short pulse laser micromachining of wide bandgap semiconductor materials: SiC and GaN, Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 180 (2024) 108559.
[3] B. Liu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Liu, D. Wu, Q. Jiang, T. Sun, C. Liu, H. Yan, H. Shi, S. Ma, R. Li, Preparation of Zr-based metallic glasses gradient composites with designable amorphous fraction by laser powder bed fusion, J. Manuf. Process. 120 (2024) 506–516.
[4] W.S. Lei*, G. Qian, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Validation of local approach-based statistical models for cleavage fracture of ferritic steels in uniaxial tension, Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 47 (2024) 1807–1814.
[5] W.S. Lei*, G. Qian, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Statistical characterization of specimen size and temperature dependence of cleavage fracture toughness of ferritic steels, Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 47 (2024) 2243–2250.
[6] X. Bi, R. Li*, Z. Yuan, J. Cheng, D. Guan, P. Zhang(张培磊), Laser-directed energy deposition of a high performance additively manufactured (CoCrNi)94(TiAl)6 medium-entropy alloy with a novel core-shell structured strengthening phase, Addit. Manuf. 80 (2024) 103971.
[7] P. Lei, P. Zhang*(张培磊), S. Song, Z. Liu, H. Yan, T. Sun, Q. Lu, Y. Chen, V. Gromov, H. Shi, Research status of laser surface texturing on tribological and wetting properties of materials: A review, Optik (Stuttg). 298 (2024) 171581.
[8] K. Yu, H. Shi*, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Yan, Q. Lu, Nanosecond Laser Fabrication of Novel Micro-/Nanostructured Metal Surfaces: A Dual-Functional Supersurface Combining Antireflectivity and Superhydrophobic Properties, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 16 (2024) 2984–2996.
[9] K. Yu, H. Shi*, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Yan, Q. Lu, Micro/nanoengineering of functionalized metal surfaces based on short/ultra-short-pulsed lasers: a review, J. Mater. Sci. 59 (2024) 1819–1866.
[10] Q. Liu, D. Wu*, Q. Wang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, T. Sun, R. Li, Progress and perspectives of joints defects of laser-arc hybrid welding: a review, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 130 (2024) 111–146.
[11] Q. Yang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Q. Lu, H. Yan, H. Shi, Z. Yu, T. Sun, R. Li, Q. Wang, Y. Wu, J. Chen, Application and development of blue and green laser in industrial manufacturing: A review, Opt. Laser Technol. 170 (2024) 110202.
[12] T. Sun*, C. Liu, P. Franciosa, N. Ferguson, G. Gibbons, D. Ceglarek, E. Mogire, P. Zhang(张培磊), Effect of placement configuration on the microstructure, porosity and mechanical performance of dissimilar remote laser welding of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy and conventionally manufactured 1050 aluminium sheet, J. Mater. Res. Technol. 27 (2023) 5639–5650.
[13] Z. Li, H. Shi*, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, Q. Lu, H. Yan, T. Sun, Progress, applications, and perspectives of titanium-based braze filler metal: a review, J. Mater. Sci. 58 (2023) 14945–14996.
[14] H. Shi*, Z. Li, Y. Zhao, J. Gu, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, Q. Lu, H. Yan, T. Sun, Microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture behavior of GH3535 alloy joints brazed with Au–18Ni filler metal, J. Mater. Res. Technol. 26 (2023) 9024–9038.
[15] S. Xu, Q. Lu*, Y. Ou, P. Zhang(张培磊), H. Yan, T. Sun, S. Ma, Z. Luo, Y. Tian, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of AlSi10Mg Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. (2023) 1–14.
[16] Z. Liu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Q. Jiang, X. Zhang, H. Yan, H. Shi, Z. Yu, Y. Tian, S. Ma, T. Sun, Enhancing catalytic performance of Fe-based metallic glasses by selective laser melting and electrochemical dealloying, J. Manuf. Process. 103 (2023) 274–286.
[17] Q. Liu, D. Wu*, Q. Wang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, T. Sun, M. Yan, J. Zeng, Z. Liu, J. Feng, R. Li, Influencing mechanism of high speed on the droplet transfer and process stability during high-power laser-arc hybrid welding, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 128 (2023) 4427–4442.
[18] L. Wang, C. Shen*, P. Zhang(张培磊), Y. Zhang, X. Hua, F. Li, L. Wang, W. Zhou, K. Wu, G. Ruan, Effect of in-situ generated Fe3AlC0.5 on the microstructure and mechanical property of twin-wire directed energy deposition-arc fabricated Fe3Al based iron aluminide, Mater. Charact. 205 (2023) 113271.
[19] S. Song, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Q. Lu*, D. Wu, H. Shi, H. Yan, Z. Liu, T. Sun, H. Huang, R. Li, Q. Wang, Formation and modulation of multi-pulse femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures by electromagnetic and partial differential equation simulations, Opt. Lett. 48 (2023) 4570.
[20] J. Feng, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, H. Shi, Q. Lu, Z. Liu, D. Wu, T. Sun, R. Li, Q. Wang, Application of Laser Welding in Electric Vehicle Battery Manufacturing: A Review, Coatings. 13 (2023) 1313.
[21] W. Zhang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, R. Li, H. Shi, D. Wu, T. Sun, Z. Luo, Y. Tian, Research status of femtosecond lasers and nanosecond lasers processing on bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), Opt. Laser Technol. 167 (2023) 109812.
[22] Z. Xia, H. Yan*, P. Zhang(张培磊), Q. Lu, H. Shi, J. Liu, Z. Liu, Z. Li, Fabrication and Tribological Properties of Nickel-Based Cellular Structure Self-Lubricating Composites by Selective Laser Melting and Metal Infiltration, Tribol. Trans. 66 (2023) 670–682.
[23] Z. Luo, D. Wu*, P. Zhang(张培磊), X. Ye, H. Shi, X. Cai, Y. Tian, Laser Welding Penetration Monitoring Based on Time-Frequency Characterization of Acoustic Emission and CNN-LSTM Hybrid Network, Materials (Basel). 16 (2023) 1614.
[24] P. Jiang, R. Li, Y. Zhao, X. Zhang, P. Zhang(张培磊), Effect of rotating magnetic field on microstructure and tribological properties of laser cladded nickel-based coatings, J. Mater. Res. Technol. 24 (2023) 1335–1343.
[25] S. Song, Q. Lu*, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, H. Shi, Z. Yu, T. Sun, Z. Luo, Y. Tian, A critical review on the simulation of ultra-short pulse laser-metal interactions based on a two-temperature model (TTM), Opt. Laser Technol. 159 (2023) 109001.
[26] X. Bi, R. Li*, T. Li, B. Liu, Y. Yuan, P. Zhang(张培磊), K. Feng, Anisotropic microstructure, properties and molecular dynamics simulation of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy fabricated by laser directed energy deposition, Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 871 (2023) 144834.
[27] Z. Li, H. Shi*, Y. Zhao, J. Gu, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, B. Wang, N. Song, T. Sun, Microstructure and mechanical properties of vacuum brazed joints of TC4 waveform structure fabricated by 3D printed technology, Weld. World. 67 (2023) 2049–2065.
[28] L. Wang, C. Shen*, P. Zhang(张培磊), X. Hua, Y. Zhang, F. Li, J. Xin, K. Wu, Fabrication of Fe–30Al alloy using plasma arc welding powered twin-wire directed energy deposition-arc process: Droplet transfer, microstructure, and mechanical property investigation, Intermetallics. 161 (2023) 107961.
[29] Q. Liu, D. Wu*, Q. Wang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, T. Sun, J. Zeng, M. Yan, Z. Liu, R. Li, Research Status of Stability in Dynamic Process of Laser-Arc Hybrid Welding Based on Droplet Transfer Behavior: A Review, Coatings. 13 (2023) 205.
[30] B. Wang, H. Shi*, Z. Yu, P. Zhang(张培磊), Q. Cheng, N. Song, H. Yan, Study on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Zr-Cu-Ni amorphous filler brazed Inconel 718 and 3D printed TC4 alloy, Weld. World. 67 (2023) 455–471.
[31] J. Feng, D. Wei, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, C. Liu, W. Lu, K. Wang, H. Yan, L. Zhang, L. Wang, Preparation of TiNbTaZrMo high-entropy alloy with tunable Young’s modulus by selective laser melting, J. Manuf. Process. 85 (2023) 160–165.
[32] Q. Lu, Y. Ou, P. Zhang(张培磊), H. Yan, Fatigue performance and material characteristics of SiC/AlSi10Mg composites by selective laser melting, Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 858 (2022) 144163.
[33] J. Feng, Y. Tang, J. Liu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), C. Liu, L. Wang*, Bio-high entropy alloys: Progress, challenges, and opportunities, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 10 (2022) 1–26.
[34] H. Huang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), M. Tang, L. Shen, Z. Yu, H. Shi, Y. Tian, Biocompatibility of micro/nano structures on the surface of Ti6Al4V and Ti-based bulk metallic glasses induced by femtosecond laser, Biomater. Adv. 139 (2022) 212998.
[35] S. Liu, D. Wu*, Z. Luo, P. Zhang(张培磊), X. Ye, Z. Yu, Measurement of pulsed laser welding penetration based on keyhole dynamics and deep learning approach, Measurement. 199 (2022) 111579.
[36] H. Yan*, G. Zhu, H. Shi, P. Zhang(张培磊), H. Li, Q. Lu, Z. Li, Microstructure and mechanical properties of K438 alloy processed by selective laser melting and subsequent heat treatment, Mater. Charact. 191 (2022) 112116.
[37] H. Huang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, X. Zhang, L. Shen, H. Shi, H. Yan, L. Wang, Y. Tian, Effects of periodic surface structures induced by femtosecond laser irradiation on the antibacterial properties of Zr-based amorphous material, Optik (Stuttg). 268 (2022) 169760.
[38] J. Shi, S. Ma, J.P. Best, M. Stolpe, S. Wei, P. Zhang(张培磊), B. Markert, Gradient-enhanced modelling of deformation-induced anisotropic damage in metallic glasses, J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 167 (2022) 105020.
[39] Q. Cheng, H. Shi*, Q. Jiang, Z. Yu, P. Zhang(张培磊), X. Ye, Effect of phase composition on microstructure and wear resistance of (Al16.80Co20.74Cr20.49Fe21.28Ni20.70)99.5Ti0.5 high-entropy alloy coatings, Mater. Today Commun. 31 (2022) 103765.
[40] R. Tang, X. Xia, X. Zhang, H. Jiang, B. Wang, P. Zhang(张培磊), Y. Zhang, Y. Tang, Y. Zhou, Synergistic function of Au NPs/GeO2 nanozymes with enhanced peroxidase-like activity and SERS effect to detect choline iodide, Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 266 (2022) 120467.
[41] X. Wen, D. Wu*, P. Zhang(张培磊), S. Liu, Z. Luo, Z. Jia, X. Ye, H. Shi, Z. Yu, Influence mechanism of the keyhole behavior on penetration depth by in-situ monitoring in pulsed laser welding of aluminum alloy, Optik (Stuttg). 246 (2021) 167812.
[42] L. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Hua, C. Shen*, F. Li, Y. Huang, Y. Ding, P. Zhang(张培磊), Q. Lu, T. Zhang, J. Shang, Twin-wire plasma arc additive manufacturing of the Ti–45Al titanium aluminide: Processing, microstructures and mechanical properties, Intermetallics. 136 (2021) 107277.
[43] C. Shen, X. Hua, F. Li, T. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, L. Wang, Y. Ding, P. Zhang(张培磊), Q. Lu, Composition-induced microcrack defect formation in the twin-wire plasma arc additive manufacturing of binary TiAl alloy: An X-ray computed tomography-based investigation, J. Mater. Res. 36 (2021) 4974–4985.
[44] Q. Lu, J. Jin, P. Zhang(张培磊), H. Yan, H. Shi, J. Zhao, Performance of Vibration-Assisted Laser Welded Joints Based on Orthogonal Experiment Design, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 31 (2022) 2147–2158.
[45] J. Wang, J. Chen*, Z. Zhang, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, S. Zhang, Effects of doping trace Ni element on interfacial behavior of Sn/Ni (polycrystal/single-crystal) joints, Solder. Surf. Mt. Technol. 34 (2022) 124–133.
[46] X. Zhang, Q. Lu*, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, C. Shen, L. Wang, X. Hua, Microstructure and Fatigue Properties of Ti-48Al Alloy Fabricated by the Twin-Wire Plasma Arc Additive Manufacturing, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 31 (2022) 8250–8260.
[47] X. Hou, X. Ye*, X. Qian, X. Zhang, P. Zhang(张培磊), Q. Lu, Z. Yu, C. Shen, L. Wang, X. Hua, Heat Accumulation, Microstructure Evolution, and Stress Distribution of Ti–Al Alloy Manufactured by Twin-Wire Plasma Arc Additive, Adv. Eng. Mater. 24 (2022) 2101151.
[48] X. Hou, X. Ye*, X. Qian, H. Jing, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, D. Wu, K. Fu, The Effects of Different Gaps on the Weld Morphology, Microstructure and Residual Stress of AH36 Steel were Studied by Laser Arc Hybrid Welding, in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 2022: p. 012039.
[49] H. Jing, X. Ye*, X. Hou, X. Qian, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, D. Wu, K. Fu, The Influence of Laser Power and Butt Gap on the Droplet Transfer and Weld Formation of Laser Arc Hybrid Welding, in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 2021: p. 012009.
[50] X. Qian, X. Ye*, X. Hou, H. Jing, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, D. Wu, K. Fu, Research on Residual Stress Distribution in Different Areas of Laser-MAG Arc Hybrid Welding by Numerical Simulation, in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 2022: p. 012026.
[51] D. Wu*, M. Hu, Y. Huang, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, In situ monitoring and penetration prediction of plasma arc welding based on welder intelligence-enhanced deep random forest fusion, J. Manuf. Process. 66 (2021) 153–165.
[52] D. Wu*, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, Y. Gao, H. Zhang, H. Chen, S. Chen, Y.T. Tian, Progress and perspectives of in-situ optical monitoring in laser beam welding: Sensing, characterization and modeling, J. Manuf. Process. 75 (2022) 767–791.
[53] N. Song, H. Shi*, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, B. Wang, Q. Cheng, Z. Li, Microstructure and Properties of Vacuum-Brazed Joints of 3D-Structured Ni718 High-Temperature Alloy Prepared by Selective Laser Melting, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 31 (2022) 7921–7934.
[54] B. Wang, H. Shi*, P. Zhang(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Yan, Q. Cheng, N. Song, Microstructure and properties of TLPB joints of IN718 with 3D waveform structure prepared by SLM, Weld. World. 66 (2022) 1009–1023.
[55] Q. Cheng, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Shi, Z. Yu, Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum–Copper Dissimilar Metals Joints by Nanosecond Laser Spiral Welding, Trans. Indian Inst. Met. 75 (2022) 2517–2528.
[56] J. Feng, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Jia, Z. Yu, C. Fang, H. Yan, H. Shi, Y. Tian, F. Xie, Laser additive manufacturing and post-heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of 9Cr steel, Int. J. Press. Vessel. Pip. 198 (2022) 104681.
[57] Z. Liu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), M. Yan, Z. Yu, Y. Tian, D. Wu, Study of mode transition in three-dimensional laser beam oscillating welding of aluminum alloy, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 303 (2022) 117490.
[58] Q. Jiang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), J. Tan, Z. Yu, Y. Tian, S. Ma, D. Wu, Influence of the microstructure on mechanical properties of SLM additive manufacturing Fe-based bulk metallic glasses, J. Alloys Compd. 894 (2022) 162525.
[59] H. Huang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, L. Shen, H. Shi, Y. Tian, Femtosecond laser-induced transformation mechanism from 1D groove structure to 2D microholes structure on the surface of Zr-based metallic glasses, Opt. Laser Technol. 146 (2022) 107555.
[60] J. Feng, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Jia, Z. Yu, C. Fang, H. Yan, H. Shi, Y. Tian, Microstructures and mechanical properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel fabricated by laser melting deposition, Fusion Eng. Des. 173 (2021) 112865.
[61] Q. Jiang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, Y. Tian, S. Ma, AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy fabricated via selective laser melting reinforced by Fe-based metallic glass, Mater. Lett. 307 (2022) 130994.
[62] P. Zhang*(张培磊), J. Tan, Y. Tian, H. Yan, Z. Yu, Research progress on selective laser melting (SLM) of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs): a review, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. (2021) 1–41.
[63] J. Wang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), L. Shen, Z. Yu, H. Shi, Y. Tian, The femtosecond laser induced Zr64.13Cu15.75Ni10.12Al10 amorphous periodic surface structure, J. Manuf. Process. 69 (2021) 613–620.
[64] Q. Jiang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Shi, D. Wu, H. Yan, X. Ye, Q. Lu, Y. Tian, A review on additive manufacturing of pure copper, Coatings. 11 (2021) 740.
[65] W. Xiong, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Yan, D. Wu, Q. Lu, Y. Tian, Weld zone porosity elimination process of galvanized steel zero-gap lap joints in remote laser spiral welding, Mater. Res. Express. 8 (2021) 066502.
[66] P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Jia, H. Yan, Z. Yu, D. Wu, H. Shi, F. Wang, Y. Tian, S. Ma, W. Lei, Effect of deposition rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of wire arc additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V components, J. Cent. South Univ. 28 (2021) 1100–1110.
[67] Z. Jia, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, D. Wu, Y. Tian, H. Yan, Evidence of solidification crack propagation in pulsed laser welding of aluminum alloy, Opt. Express. 29 (2021) 18495.
[68] P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Jia, Z. Yu, H. Shi, S. Li, D. Wu, H. Yan, X. Ye, J. Chen, F. Wang, Y. Tian, A review on the effect of laser pulse shaping on the microstructure and hot cracking behavior in the welding of alloys, Opt. Laser Technol. 140 (2021) 107094.
[69] Man Tang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Shi, S. Li, D. Wu, H. Yan, X. Ye, F. Wang, Y. Tian, Study on Ultrasound Welding Process of Aluminum/Copper Dissimilar Metals, Phys. Met. Metallogr. 121 (2020) 1400–1410.
[70] W.-S. Lei*, G. Qian*, Z. Yu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Weibull Modulus of Cleavage Fracture Toughness of Ferritic Steels, Metall. Mater. Trans. A. (2021) 1–13.
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[1]张培磊,马凯,卢云龙,闫华,一种基于激光同步送粉焊接镀锌钢板与镁合金的合金粉末和方法. (发明专利号:ZL 201310143397.5)
[2]张培磊,卢云龙,闫华,丁敏,一种用于填充点焊不锈钢高熵合金粉末和一种高熵合金粉末填充点焊不锈钢的工艺方法. (发明专利号:ZL 201310142899.6)
[3]张培磊,刘晓鹏,卢云龙,闻倩艺,庄乔乔,聂云鹏,李雷,一种耐磨激光熔覆层材料及其制备方法. (发明专利号:ZL 201410836658.6)
[4]张培磊,于治水,李国进,一种907A高强钢T型接头激光焊接加工方法.(发明专利号:ZL 201510136545.X)
[5]聂云鹏,张培磊,庄乔乔,李雷,一种用于焊接机器人电弧焊枪与传感器之间的随行夹具. (实用新型专利号:ZL 201720022512.7)
[6]聂云鹏,张培磊,庄乔乔,李雷,于治水,一种用于焊枪与传感器的随行焊接夹具. (发明专利号: ZL 201710013893.7)
[7]张培磊,于治水,闫华,吴希,一种用于焊缝跟踪传感器的固定装置. (实用新型专利号:ZL 201820338820.5)
[8]张培磊,褚振涛,杨橄生,马凯,一种激光深熔焊热源模型的建模方法. (发明专利号:ZL 201410012392.3)
[9] 李雷,于治水,张培磊,一种固定于焊枪的钛合金堆焊气体保护罩. (发明专利号:ZL 201710131174.5)
[10] 李明川,张培磊,庄乔乔,刘晓鹏,一种用于铜基体表面的激光熔覆材料及其应用. (发明专利号:201710095635.8)
[11] 张培磊,蒋旗,卢庆华,史海川,于治水,一种用于对接及搭接工件装配的焊接夹具(实用新型专利号:ZL 201920616639.0):
[12] 张培磊,魏杏茹,吴頔,李绍伟,卢庆华,闫华,于治水,一种超高硬度激光熔覆复合涂层材料及其制备方法,(发明专利号:ZL 201910257153.7)
[13] 张培磊,熊汪涛,一种铁基非晶激光熔覆涂层材料及其制备方法. (发明专利号:ZL 201910870590.6)
[14] 张培磊、吴希、何珊珊、李绍伟 、卢庆华、 闫华、 于治水. 弧焊机器人直线对接焊缝的轴向跟踪系统及方法,(发明专利号:ZL 201910289396.9)
[15] 张培磊,刘振宇,熊汪涛,于治水,闫华,卢庆华,一种用于镀锌钢的激光焊接方法.(发明专利号:ZL 202110709702.7)
[1] 上海市优秀毕业生(2023年——凤军毅);
[2] 上海市大学生新材料创新创意大赛一等奖(2022年——黄瀚轩);
[3] 太阳集团tcy8722网站优秀毕业生(2022年——黄瀚轩);
[4] 太阳集团tcy8722网站优秀毕业生(2023年——凤军毅);
[5] 全国大学生英语翻译大赛三等奖(2021年——王力);
[6] 第四届上海市智慧城市创意设计大赛省级二等奖(2022年——张微林)
[7] 第九届中国国际 “互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛校级二等奖(2023年——张微林)
[8] 全国大学生英语词汇挑战赛二等奖(2022年——刘庆永);
[1] 刘晓鹏,2015年;
[2] 庄乔乔,2017年;
[3] 李国进,2018年;
[4] 蒋旗,2021年;
[5] 凤军毅,2022年;(联合培养/指导)
[6] 宋世杰,2023年;(联合指导)
[1] 刘晓鹏,上海大学;
[2] 聂云鹏,南京航空航天大学;
[3] 李明川,哈尔滨工业大学;
[4] 何珊珊,韩国釜山大学;(联合指导)
[5] 黄瀚轩,复旦大学;
[6] 蒋旗,华南理工大学;
[7] 凤军毅,华中科技大学;(联合培养/指导)
[8] 贾志远,东南大学;
[9] 王力,上海交通大学;(联合培养/指导)
[10] 刘庆永,华中科技大学;(联合指导)